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Darboven IDEE Prize 2021

traceless' founders Johanna Baare (left) and Anne Lamp (right) ⓒDarboven IDEE Förderpreis

Awarded by Hamburg's Coffee Roaster Albert Darboven since 1997, the Darboven IDEE prize for female entrepreneurs can already look back on a long-standing tradition. The renowed award supports sustainable and promising start-up businesses from all economic sectors, united by one factor: they are led by women. This makes the prize unique on a national level. And with a prize money of 50.000€, the award is also highly funded! Enough reasons for us to feel honoured and thankful that we got selected for the first prize this year.

Video about traceless, produced by the Darboven IDEE Prize on the occasion of the award ⓒDarboven IDEE Förderpreis

The prize is awarded every two years, and is sponsored by the Edda and Albert Darboven Foundation. This year's final round took place on November 24th/25th in the Hamburg-located Hotel "Besenbinderhof". On the first day, all finalists presented their ideas to the expert jury that has already looked into all concepts in detail before, and answered their questions. Afterwards, the jury had to make their decision based on the selection criteria: the degree of innovation and sustainability of the business idea, the viable business concept and success potential and the personal commitment of the founders. The next day was the day of the award ceremony: In a festive atmosphere, Albert Darboven personally presented us with the award on stage. It makes us proud to be part of such a long tradition!

all images ⓒDarboven IDEE Förderpreis

The second place went to Dr. Beatrix Förster and her company Doderm GmbH, and the third place went to Dr. Katrin Schuhen by Wasser 3.0 gGmbH. Our congratulations!

Read more on the award's website, and check the official announcement of this year's winners in their press release.

Check what the press reported about the prize:


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