11. Mai 2021ChemEurope reports on Tracelesschemeurope.com is the specialist portal for the chemical sector and its suppliers in Europe and the USA. More than 2 million users in...
10. Mai 2021Traceless listed among 10 promising circular startups to watch in 2021Read the full article on EU-startups.com here: https://www.eu-startups.com/2021/05/10-promising-circular-economy-startups-to-watch-in-202...
26. Apr. 2021Traceless featured in Recycling MagazineRecyling Magazine offers trends, analyses, facts and opinions for the recycling industry - and wrote an article about traceless on the...
7. Apr. 2021Cover Story Hamburger UnternehmerAnne on the cover of Hamburger Unternehmer! The magazine quarterly reports on news from Hamburg's business world. Issue 01-2021's cover...
23. Okt. 2020AdMaCom 2020traceless was announced as the winner at the 2020 AdMaCom 2020 – INAM’s accelerator for startups in advanced materials. Afterwards INAM...