30. Aug.Picking a Greener Future at Labor TempelhofCan big music festivals drive positive change? Last weekend proved they can! Even a small friespicker can be a hero and a symbol of a...
18. Apr.Grüner Pioniergeist beim Planetary Business PodcastWarum das, was wir bei traceless machen, einem großen Chemiekonzern schwerfallen würde? Und was es bedeutet, mit der Kraft der Natur zu...
9. Nov. 2023Novel coalition Natural Polymers Group launched08/11/2023 – A global coalition of packaging and material companies is calling on UN Treaty makers to recognise natural polymer materials...
19. Aug. 2022Ask the Expert: Natural Polymers - Nature's "Plastics"The summer holiday is slowly coming to an end, and we all know what that means: it’s time to get back to the office. Instead of...
5. Juli 2022Ask the Expert: Beyond BioplasticsPlastics made from plants, plastics able to biodegrade, plastics that can do both – bioplastics are one of the most discussed inventions...