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Designing the Future at TEDxBonn

Autorenbild: tracelesstraceless

How do we solve the huge global problem of pollution and waste? Which concepts and actions can help to tackle the complex environmental challenges of today, and how can we create a future economy within our planetary boundaries? traceless' Co-Founder & CEO Anne, who describes herself as "an environmental scientist by conviction and a tech enthusiast by heart", was recently invited to TEDxBonn, to share her ideas about these pressing questions.

From Take-Make-Waste to full circularity...

According to the Cradle to Cradle principle, all products are designed to circulate completely in closed cycles, either in the technical or the biological cycle. The technical cycle is for durable goods, where the collection system can be closed, and the products are designed to be recycled with the same material quality. The biological cycle mus be used for all use cases, where products easily end up in the environment or cannot be collected and recycled. a novel material innovation: traceless materials!

Today, there are just few materials on the market today that are suitable for the biological cycle, reintegrating safely into nature after use without leaving a trace. Aiming to change this and create a novel solution, Anne ventured out about four years ago and started the invention of traceless. What she has set out to achieve: Not just develop a plant-based and compostable plastic alternative, but create a holistically sustainable alternative, that takes into account all aspects of sustainability. Check out Anne's presentation to see where this idea has led her, and what our next steps are!


Designing the future

The talk of Anne Lamp was part of the event "Designing the future", initiated by TEDx Bonn 2022 - an event in cooperation with Save The World e.V. & the Telekom Design Gallery. Held in December 2022, the event brought together creators, inventors, artists and experts whose unconventional design ideas are making a change for sustainability - whether it be by networking, by business, by products, fashion or art.

all images: copyright @tedxbonn

And indeed, it was a very inspiring round: Other guests were TV host and networking expert Janine Steeger, founder and business angel Fridtjof Detzner, artist and designer Anne Duk Hee Jordan, fashion designer and sustainability ambassador Magdalena Schaffrin. Check out the event website and tune in to their inspiring talks and performances:


Thank you to the TEDx Team

Direction & Curation: Nicola Bramkamp

Production Management: Franziska Bald

Dramaturgical consulting: Laura Kiehne

Social Media: Daniel Breitfelder

About TED

​TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a nonprofit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. Started as a four-day conference in California 30 years ago, TED has grown to support its mission as a independent internet platform around the globe for all curious and inquisitive people. The two annual TED Conferences invite the world's leading thinkers and doers to speak for 18 minutes or less. TED Talks are then made available for free at


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