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Ready to meet the biopioneers?

We're happy share a new portrait about traceless, which is the latest episode of a series called "Die Biopioniere". A camera team visited us in the lab, filmed our team at work, and interviewed our two founders Anne and Johanna about our mission and further plans - and we're very proud about the result: A 6 min. video documentary, and a 30 min. podcast!

The series is hosted on Bioö, a platform by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, supporting knowledge transfer and connecting stakeholders in the new bioeconomy field. The series "Die Biopioniere" portraits the pioneers of a new biobased and sustainable economy. Each episode spotlights an outstanding project and personality, and gives insights into fascinating new bioeconomy sector.

source: BIOCOM AG

In the podcast, traceless founders Anne and Johanna go into detail about what motivated them to found traceless, what challenges our team had to overcome on our pioneering journey so far, and how our solution is different to what's currently available.

source: BIOCOM AG

Find the full portrait about traceless, including the video and podcast on Bioö


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