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Die Zaubertüte - traceless featured in ZEIT Leo & ZEIT Online

Have you ever wondered how we came up with the idea behind traceless materials and the innovative technology we use? Germany's biggest weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT has got you covered! After traceless got mentioned on the cover page of January's DIE ZEIT's GREEN section, we were featured again in February and March.

ZEIT Leo March/April Edition 2022

ZEIT Leo is the ZEIT's children's magazine for boys and girls between the ages of 7 and 13. The focus is to let them discover everyday adventures, and learn about exciting things going on in the world. A specially founded children's council advises the editorial team on each issue. We at traceless are proud that our idea got selected for their March/April 2022 issue - with a full double page! Under the headline "Die Zaubertüte" ("The Miracle Bag"), Editor Josefa Raschendorfer explains the problem we are trying to solve with our idea, sheds some light on the challenges that we have to overcome, and describes a vision of what traceless could be one day. All described in a comprehensive way - actually for kids, but of course also for grown-ups! Download the article in PDF format here (German only)

Text: Josefa Raschendorfer, Illustration: Niklas Wesner

Copyright: ZEIT Leo magazine, Zeitverlag Gerd Bucerius Gmbh

ZEIT Online Article about traceless

In March, ZEIT editor Kristina Läsker visited us in our Lab in Buchholz near Hamburg, and published an article about traceless in the Hamburg section of DIE ZEIT Online. In her text, she covers the recently adopted UN resolution on plastic pollution, interviews traceless inventor Anne about the background of our ides, and follows the story our our first cooperation project with OTTO.

"Ein neues UN-Abkommen soll die weltweite Plastikflut stoppen. In Hamburg tüfteln zwei Frauen an einer Kunststoffalternative, die zum großen Gamechanger werden könnte."

The full article is available only in German for Z+ subscribers under this link:

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