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Towards a Plastic Waste Free World

A few years ago, we embarked on an exciting journey: the one towards a future free of pollution and waste. One of the many steps along the way was the K-Fair in Düsseldorf in October, which we told you all about in our last blogpost. Afterwards we had just enough time to unpack our bags, and connect with everyone we met in Düsseldorf, because the next fair (and with this the next stop in our journey) was about to kick-off:

On the 9th and the 10th of November, the Plastic Waste Free World Conference and Exhibition took place in Cologne! It is the world’s largest event dedicated to discussing materials innovations, technologies, and circular economy solutions to create a world free from plastic waste. So, the perfect event for us to show our materials and deep dive into sustainability topics.

Family gathering of the innovators

After we arrived a day ahead, set up the traceless’ booth and got it ready to inform and impress visitors of what we are doing, the two days of the event were devoted to networking with all visitors and exhibiters, while listening in to the interesting topics of the conference. And there's been many of them!

A busy schedule, but it gave us the chance to have many in-depth conversations about sustainability advantages, collaborations, and technological topics with our visitors, and to have met many amazing people all working towards the same goal.

All-in-all some very insightful and exciting days lay past us, making us only more dedicated to creating the future we envision. So, stay tuned for the next stops of the journey, and keep following our traces along the way!

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