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29. Juli 2021
Nomination for Postcode Lotteries Green Challenge 2021
As one of 574 applicants from Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, Traceless takes part in one of the largest...

19. Juli 2021
InnoRampUp Funding by IFB Innovationsstarter Hamburg
Its official: Traceless received the InnoRampUp funding by IFB Innovationsstarter Hamburg in 2021! The program supports technologically...

13. Juli 2021
Podcast Features about Traceless
During the last weeks, traceless was a guest in two podcast sessions - a great chance for us to spread the word about the challenges of...

28. Juni 2021
SAT.1 Video about Traceless
The SAT.1 Filmcrew visited us in the lab! They interviewed our two founders Anne and Johanna about the challenge of plastic pollution and...

25. Juni 2021
Brand Eins Magazine Article about Traceless
Renowed german magazine brand eins reports monthly on new ideas and inspirations from the business world. We are proud to be interviewed...

24. Juni 2021
Traceless featured in WirtschaftsWoche
For an article about sustainable packaging solutions, we got interviewed by german business newspaper WirtschaftsWoche. The text sheds...

16. Juni 2021
Hamburger Abendblatt Article and Cover Feature about Traceless
On 16.06.2021, the newspaper Hamburger Abendblatt wrote a big article about traceless in its business section. A teaser story on the...

14. Juni 2021
Biopolymer Innovation Award 2nd Prize
Announcing this award makes us particularly proud, because it is really a recognition of the core of traceless: our material and process...

9. Juni 2021
Traceless wins Future Hamburg Award 2nd place
We proudly announce that traceless got selected for the second place of the Future Hamburg Award! They were looking for startups with...
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